2021 Woven Together Learning Series

The 2021 Woven Together Learning Series will return to the five priorities that are the focus of our strategic plan. The Series will feature a mix of local and national speakers as well as case studies further exploring the systemic problems within our five priority areas so that we can elevate big ideas, spark inspiring conversations and move toward action.

Woven Together: Regional Cooperation

Together We Can Regional Cooperation Study
Regional Cooperation: Community Foundation Strategic Priority
Comeback Town: Duplication of services in Jefferson County 

Woven Together: Economic Opportunity for All

Atlanta Federal Reserve Community Development research and publications
Dashboard for Alabamians to Visualize Income Determinations
Text FRBA to 33777 to receive the Atlanta Federal Reserve Weekly Digest

Woven Together: A Framework for a More Equitable Economy

Woven Together: Covid Vaccine, Fact vs. Fiction

Woven Together: The Road to Recovery

2021 Ongoing Impacts of COVID Survey Summary Report

Ongoing Impacts of COVID Survey Presentation Slides