COVID-19 Phase One Response Grants

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Foundation shifted grantmaking to respond to the crisis and provide flexible operating support for organizations to respond nimbly to evolving needs. Rapid Response Grants focused on resiliency in communities by addressing the immediate and basic needs of economically vulnerable populations impacted by COVID-19. Nonprofit Adaptation Grants supported organizations in our 5-county region whose operations were adversely impacted by COVID-19.

Rapid Response Grants

Adelante Alabama Worker Center, $25,000 for funds to support distressed workers impacted by crisis
Alabama Head Injury Foundation, $7,000 to provide mental health counseling services to Alabama Head Injury clients with greatest need during crisis
Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism, $15,000 to support expanded reporting in COVID-19 related health issues and income disparities
Alabama Kidney Foundation, $5,000 for transportation to get high medical need patients to dialysis
Alabama Possible, $12,500, For technology to facilitate remote access to student financial aid assistance
Alabama Regional Medical Services, $25,000 for renovation of single room occupancy units for individuals experiencing homeless who are unsheltered
Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network, $25,000 for mini-grants to support supply of healthy food during crisis and assist local farmers
Alliance Ministries, $10,000 to serve up to 350 families in Fairfield area monthly with food, rent/utilities, transportation, job/life skills
Better Basics, Inc., $24,000 to stem summer learning loss during the crisis, purchase 6,000 new books for distribution in low-income Birmingham neighborhoods served by Better Basics during the school year.
Birmingham Education Foundation, $15,000 to provide educational and food assistance support to Birmingham City Schools students and their families during crisis
Birmingham-Southern College, $25,000 to provide emergency assistance to students with financial need during the crisis
Blount County Education Foundation, $20,000 to support limited summer camp with COVID-19 safety measures to assist families in need
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Alabama, $25,000 for PPE and programs costs to allow child care for essential workers starting mid-May
Breakthrough Birmingham, $15,000 to support online summer learning program during the crisis
By Faith Community Development, $12,000 to support food distribution programs and provide emergency assistance for families.
Cahaba Medical Care Foundation, $25,000 for mental health hotline and telehealth counseling services for COVID-related stress and anxiety
Central Six Development Council, Inc., $25,000 for case management and job placement services for dislocated, unemployed workers affected by COVID-19
Christian Service Mission, $15,000 for 1500 frozen and pantry food boxes for distribution to 750 families in need
City of Pell City, $25,000 for expansion of tele-health and case management at the St. Clair Community Health Clinic
Community Grief Support Service, $5,000 for staff and technology to provide virtual grief counseling and grief support groups
Crisis Center, $25,000 for staff and technology to cover volunteer gaps for crisis and suicide lines and meet increased need
East Lake Initiative, $15,000 for food, rent assistance, utility assistance for impacted families
First Light Inc., $15,000 to assist in purchase of germicidal UV light system to limit spread COVID-19 in housing facilities
Founders Place, $5,000 to support remote program delivery during COVID-19 crisis for adults with dementia
Fresh Air Family
, $10,000 to provide support for summer camp operations with COVID-19 safety measures and to assist families in need
Gateway, $25,000 for basic needs and support for foster youth and their foster parents; basic needs (incl. rent and utilities) for 18-21 year-old foster youth at risk of homelessness
Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, $20,000 to support emergency fund for basic needs (rent, utilities, food, etc.)
Holy Family Cristo Rey, $15,000 for emergency assistance for HFC student and alumni families in financial need
Hoover Helps, $10,000 for food for over 500 food insecure children and their families in the Hoover area
Impact Family Counseling, $15,000 to Support mental health services to children and families – over 300 hours – service disrupted by loss of grant and contract revenue with schools and other systems due to COVID-19
Jefferson County Schools Education Foundation, $15,000 to support immediate student and family needs related to crisis, especially technology
Jefferson State Community College, $25,000 for emergency support for students in fast track health care and IT programs: food, housing, technology, health care, and other basic needs
Levite Jewish Community Center, $10,000 for child care for essential workers with children ages 0-5
Manna Ministries, $12,000 for food for food insecure families impacted by the crisis
Metro West Ministries, $15,000 for food for families in need in Western Jefferson County
Miles College, $25,000 to provide emergency assistance to students with financial need, including housing, food, child care, transportation and learning technology
Mother’s Milk Bank of Alabama, $19,000 for adaptations to facilitate milk donations during crisis and meet infant health needs
My Sister’s Place, Inc., $25,000 to help My Sister’s Place serve women in its transitional living facility during the crisis, assist with purchase of a van for transportation and expenses for its new thrift store to provide employment and revenue
One Roof, $25,000 for essential needs of people experiencing homelessness including hotel stays for COVID positive individuals
Oneonta Public Library, $8,000 to provide online workforce training in English and Spanish to Blount County adults impacted by crisis
P.E.E.R., Inc., $25,000 for prepared food and food boxes for seniors and others in Eastern Birmingham
Samford University, $15,000 to provide emergency assistance to students with financial need during the crisis
Shelby Emergency Assistance, $19,000 for rent, utility and food assistance for Shelby Co. residents in need
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church, $5,000 for 325 weekend food bags for Birmingham City School students for five weeks
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth of AL, $7,000 to provide basic needs support (food, transportation, housing, child care, phone cards) to 30 families facing foster care placement
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, $10,000 to provide food and emergency assistance for up to 75 families
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (Jasper, AL) Food Bank, $20,000 to purchase walk in refrigerator and food to support food distribution to Walker County residents in need during COVID-19 crisis
St. Vincent’s Foundation, $25,000 for emergency assistance for associates of St. Vincent’s; matched by SVHS up to $1K
The Community Kitchens of Birmingham, $15,000 to provide food and serving supplies to address increase in demand for meals
The Cooperative Downtown Ministries Inc. dba Firehouse Shelter Ministries, $25,000 to support expanded security at the Firehouse Shelter to address increased risks during COVID-19 crisis
The Exceptional Foundation, $4,000 for PPE and other costs to facilitate reopening under COVID-19 guidelines
The Junior League of Birmingham, Inc., $12,000 for diapers to be distributed through the Community Food Bank of Central AL for families in need
The Ministry at Green Springs, $10,000 to provide delivery and drive through food distribution to clients
The Salvation Army of Greater Birmingham Area, $25,000 for food and emergency utility assistance for up to 600 families
The Salvation Army of Walker County, $25,000 for food and emergency assistance for low income families in Walker and Blount Co., with a focus on seniors
The Society of St. Andrew, $20,000 to address supply chain gaps, provide 80,000 pounds of supplier-donated food to area food banks and pantries
Three Hots and a Cot, $8,000 for basic emergency assistance needs of homeless veterans
Trinity United Methodist Church, $25,000 for food and utility assistance for Western Birmingham residents in need
University of Alabama at Birmingham, $25,000 to provide emergency assistance to students with financial need during the crisis

Nonprofit Adaptation Grants

90.3 WBHM, $5,000 for technology to support journalism
Bessemer Cut Off Advocacy Center (dba the Clay Children’s Advocacy Center), $5,000 for technology to allow telecounseling for children who have been abused and their non-offending caregivers
Birmingham Children’s Theater, $5,000 for technology and other support to facilitate remote performances for children
Birmingham Public Library, $5,000 for expanded e-books, audiobooks and training through online learning
Bridge Ministries, Inc., $2,500 for technology to facilitate rent and utility assistance to clients in need
Cahaba River Society, $5,000 for equipment for production of virtual field trips for K-12 students
Chocolate Milk Mommies, $5,000 for technology to provide remote maternal and child health services to clients
Concerned Citizens for our Youth, Inc. dba Beacon House, $5,000 for technology to allow safe, remote services for clients in residential facility for youth
Coosa Riverkeeper, Inc., $5,000 support for water quality monitoring due to increased public use of waterways during crisis
Crosswinds Foundation for Faith & Culture, $4,000 for technology to provide remote group meetings and other services to vets suffering from PTSD
Exposure Community Development Corporation, $5,000 for technology to enable online free music instruction in underserved communities
Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens, $5,000 for technology to support remote programming
Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, $5,000 for technology adaptations to facilitate remote service provision
Historic Bethel Baptist Church Restoration Fund, $5,000 for maintenance of facilities to sustain this historic landmark until it can reopen
Impact America, $5,000 Save First free tax prep technology to support additional 3 months of services to accommodate new tax deadline
Impact Family Counseling, $5,000 for support technology adaptations to allow remote mental health service provision
McWane Science Center, $5,000 for technology to support remote educational programming
Mitchell’s Place, $5,000 for technology to provide remote services to children with autism and other developmental disabilities
Oasis Counseling for Women & Children, $5,000 for technology to facilitate tele-counseling services for women and children
Railroad Park Foundation, $5,000 for signage, social media, and cleaning to promote safe usage of park facilities; technology for virtual programming
Ruffner Mountain Nature Coalition, $5,000 to accommodate increased visitorship and declining revenue during the crisis, technology and safety supplies to bring spring plant sale online
Run Bike & Swim Inc., $5,000 for remote fitness programming for children in Bessemer and beyond
Safehouse of Shelby Co., $5,000 for operational changes to facilitate remote work / supports and safety / health measures within domestic violence shelter.
Space One Eleven, $5,000 shifting art classes for low-income children to online
Studio by the Tracks, $5,000 for technology for online art classes and art auctions for aduts with autism spectrum disorders
The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs, $5,000 for technology and therapist support to provide early intervention for children at risk of developmental delay
The Jimmie Hale Mission – Jessie’s Place, $3,500 to address digital divide for clients -computer access for homeless children
The Red Mountain Park Fund, $5,000 for technology upgrades to facilitate remote work. Park is seeing higher usage during crisis
Urban Impact Inc., $5,000 for technology to allow remote small business support services
Vulcan Park and Museum, $5,000 for technology and other support to provide remote educational programming
YouthServe, Inc., $5,000 to support for virtual summer camp adaptation for youth
YWCA Central Alabama, $5,000 to add COVID-19 Coordinator to meet increased demand, especially domestic violence services

Proactive Grants

Birmingham Business Research Center, $100,000 to support the Birmingham Strong Fund for small businesses in Birmingham to help stabilize employment, stimulate economic vitality and offset losses related to the coronavirus.
Birmingham Business Research Center, $10,000 to open a hotline and provide navigation support for nonprofits applying for Paycheck Protection Program aid
City of Birmingham, $50,000 to support a FUSE Fellow to advance the work of Birmingham Strong in its next phase, including engaging displaced workers through the Birmingham Resilient Worker Fund
The Women’s Fund of Birmingham,
$100,000 for a challenge grant to their Rapid Operating and Relief for Women Fund (ROAR) to to help at-risk child care centers serving essential workers in the region (Catalyst Fund)
University of Alabama at Birmingham, $50,000 for COVID-19 Vaccine and treatment research (Catalyst Fund)
UAB Minority Health and Disparities Research Center (MHRC), $50,000 for navigation support to residents with high health disparities and high barriers to access around COVID-19 prevention, testing, and treatment, in conjunction with expanded mobile testing sites