The following grants were awarded by the Community Foundation in our second round of COVID-19 emergency grantmaking. Informed by information from over 250 nonprofit organizations, this framework provides two types of grants. Rapid Response Grants address immediate, basic needs related to the COVID-19 crisis are awarded in amounts up to $25,000. Nonprofit Adaptation Grants support organizational adaptations to avoid or mitigate disruption of services are awarded in amounts up to $5,000.
- Levite Jewish Community Center: Childcare for essential workers with children ages 0-5 $10,000
- St. Vincent’s Foundation: Emergency assistance for associates of St. Vincent’s, matched by SVHS $50,000
- The Salvation Army of Greater Birmingham Area: Food and emergency utility assistance for up to 600 families $25,000
- The Salvation Army of Walker County: Food and emergency assistance for low income seniors and families in Walker and Blount Co. $25,000
- The Society of St. Andrew: To address supply chain gaps and provide 80,000 pounds of supplier-donated food to area food banks and pantries. $20,000
- Holy Family Cristo Rey: Emergency assistance for student and alumni families in financial need $15,000
- Hoover Helps: Provide food for over 500 food insecure children and their families in the Hoover area $10,000
- Manna Ministries: Provide food insecure families in Shelby County with assistance $12,000
- Three Hots and a Cot: To support basic emergency assistance needs for homeless veterans $8,000
Adaptation Grants
- Chocolate Milk Mommies: Telehealth technology to provide maternal and child health services to clients $5,000
- The Red Mountain Park Fund: To support technology upgrades to facilitate remote work $5,000
- YWCA: Add COVID-19 Coordinator to meet increased demand, especially domestic violence services $5,000
- The Jimmie Hale Mission – Jessie’s Place: To support addressing digital divide for clients and provide computer access for homeless children $3,500
Total all grants: $168,500