The LGBTQ Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham is thrilled to announce the release of its Request for Proposal (RFP), launching the 2022 Grant Cycle.  Grant applications are due online by midnight the evening of Friday, May 13, 2022.

Grants will be awarded to non-profit organizations in CFGB’s five county service area (Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair and Walker counties) that serve the LGBTQ community or seek to expand existing programs to be inclusive and affirming of persons who identify as LGBTQ.  We encourage organizations who are not a 501(c)(3), to apply using a fiscal sponsor.  If you are not a 501(c)(3) and do not have a fiscal sponsor, contact the LGBTQ Fund for assistance in identifying potential fiscal sponsors.

Priority will be given to proposals that specifically address the needs of LGBTQ communities that have been most demonstrably underserved, including but not limited to, communities of color, youth, seniors, transgender individuals, gender non-binary persons and persons in rural communities.  Priority will also be given to intersectional programs addressing inclusive healthcare and mental health services, immigrant advocacy, racial and economic justice, faith and acceptance.

The LGBTQ Fund seeks to support organizations focused on:

  • Addressing the unmet needs of LGBTQ persons;
  • Strengthening the infrastructure of LGBTQ led organizations or organizations serving LGBTQ persons;
  • Supporting the provision of services to the youth, individuals & families who identify as LGBTQ;
  • Providing educational opportunities that highlight the needs of LGBTQ individuals and families
  • Advancing networking and fostering collaboration between LGBTQ related organizations and other community organizations; and
  • Supporting nonprofit partners working on public policy and the intersection of LGBTQ concerns and other social justice issues.

The LGBTQ Fund will award a total of $67,000 in the 2022 Grant Cycle.  Typical grant amounts are between $3,000 – $7,000.  The LGBTQ Fund will consider general operating expenses, provided these expenses are justified in the application.

2022 Grant Process

Grant applications are due online by midnight the evening of Friday, May 13, 2022.

Apply Here

If necessary, the Grants Committee will hold 30 minute, virtual sessions with applicants to allow representatives from the Grants Committee to clarify information provided in the application and answer any questions applicants may have about the grantmaking process.  These sessions will be held in early June.  Final grant decisions will be announced in late June.

Within one year of receiving their grant, Grantees will be expected to provide evidence of the organization’s efforts supported by the LGBTQ Fund and to acknowledge the support of the LGBTQ Fund in all relevant publicity.  One of LGBTQ Fund’s goals is to highlight the need for and benefits of equitable treatment of LGBTQ individuals.  Therefore, we ask that you work with us to share information via social and traditional media to showcase how your efforts are improving and supporting the LGBTQ community.

If you have questions concerning the content of your application or assistance completing the application, please contact Kim Rogers ( / 205-327-3804).  If you have questions about the website or application process, contact Nicole Standridge ( or 256-566-4465).