Our first Woven Together Learning Series, which involves hearing from national experts around each of the Foundation’s five new priorities, focused on Regional Cooperation and featured a conversation and panel discussion with Brad Whitehead. The panel was moderated by Brian Hamilton and included Steve Ammons, Sanjay Singh, and Mayor Stewart Welch.

Brad Whitehead is President of Fund for Our Economic Future, a network of economic development organizations and initiatives focused on regional growth, creating and retaining jobs, increasing payrolls and attracting capital to the region of Northeast Ohio. with Brad Whitehead of The Fund for Our Economic Future.

Brad shared a powerful account of how Cleveland and its surrounding communities, facing many of the same challenges as Birmingham, has built a strong cooperative network and seen significant success in building a skilled workforce, attracting capital and growing high-quality jobs in the region.

Click here to view Brad Whitehead’s presentation: United We Thrive: Regional Cooperation and the Path to Extraordinary