Grantee Media Guidelines


Congratulations on receiving a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham!

The following guidelines are intended to help you publicize your program.

A grant from the Community Foundation is a partnership. Your story is our story. It is also an occasion for the Community Foundation to acknowledge our donors and let them know how their gifts are being used to improve the quality of life in our community.

You can publicize the Community Foundation’s support in a number of ways:

• Your website: Create a link on your website to the Community Foundation. You can also include our logo where appropriate. See logo use details below.

• Contact local media and use social media: Include news of your grant in publications, press releases, newsletters, brochures, annual reports, website, social media, direct mail, or other outreach materials. Please follow us and tag us on any posts so that we can help spread your message. We are happy to provide a quote for your press release that is specific to your organization. This is an opportunity to connect your work to our region’s media outlets.

• Logo use: Include the Community Foundation’s logo in advertisements, signage, programs, brochures, etc. as appropriate. (We do not require you to place it on letterhead or marketing materials.) Various formats are available for use. Email Amy Abeyta at to request logo files or ask questions about usage.

Whenever referencing support from the Community Foundation, please use this wording:

Support for this [program, activity, etc.] was provided by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham.

The Community Foundation publicizes grants and grant stories through media relations, social media, publications, and our website. We encourage you to share success stories and photos so we can promote partnerships that are making our area a better place to live, work, and play. Send us copies of final versions of any materials that mention your grant. Continue to let us know — beyond the progress reports you submit — how your grant is addressing the issues you are working on. We are always looking for success stories to use in our own marketing efforts. We love it when grant recipients share pictures of programs or events, success stories, or any other newsworthy items!

Questions? Contact Amy Abeyta, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, at (205) 327-3806 or

Download a PDF of these guidelines here.