Total Community Investments 2023
Donor gifts strengthen our community
Giving Through
Donors direct their giving through the Foundation to fulfill community needs.
Donor Directed Grants
Donors use their funds to
invest in the community
Through their Donor Advised Funds, donors granted more than $27 million to support a range of organizations, from arts and culture to family and social services and more.
Giving With
Donors can co-invest with the Foundation
via our Giving Together program.
Donor Directed Grants
Grantee spotlight: Four Donor-Advised Funds co-invested in InToto Creative Arts, funding weekly art programs for men from Firehouse Shelter, women from Pathways Shelter, and two public showcases, providing creative outlets and income opportunities.
“When we share with each other, when we learn about each other through our artistic expressions, we are building empathy for each other. And we feel like we matter in that community and we’re not going through this alone.” Dani Parmar, InToto Creative Arts program director
Donors use their funds to
invest in the community
Through Foundation-directed grants, the Foundation contributes $8.7 million to support a range of organizations.
Giving For
Our community’s priorities guide our grantmaking